Père Émilien Tardif
Padre Emiliano Tardif
Prayer to obtain a favourFather Émilien Tardif, m.s.c.1928-1999Missionary in the Dominican Republic
Lord Jesus,you have made Father Émilien Tardifa missionary and a witness of your lovethroughout the world.When you gave him back his health in 1973,you renewed his life;may your Holy Spiritsanctify our lives and our families.By your grace, may we sharein his great love of the Eucharist,the continuing Presence of the Living Jesus.Accept the offerof our sufferingsfor the conversion of our loved ones.Grant us also, by his intercession, this favour …that we request with confidence,in communion with your saints,for the greater glory of God.Good Father Tardif,pray with us !Yves Rancourt, priest, May 13, 2000 |
Programmation: Patrick Allaire, ptre
Cartes de souhaits