Beatification process Father Emilien Tardif
CatholicNewsAgency Preparations made for Canadian missionary Father Emiliano Tardif's beatification processSanto Domingo, Jun 12, 2007 / 11:41 am .- The remains of the renowned Canadian missionary and evangelist, Father Emiliano Tardif, were transferred last weekend on the eighth anniversary of his death, to a crypt in Santo Domingo. Representatives from 25 countries where the spiritual family founded by Father Tardif is present, gathered together for the ceremony. The remains of the famous priest will now be interred at the Crypt of the Risen Christ, located at the John Paul II School of Evangelization in Santo Domingo. During the ceremony, Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez announced the beginning of the process of beatification. Father Tardif was known for his extraordinary virtues, corroborated by the testimonies of many who were healed of their illnesses and worries through his prayers.Cardinal Rodriguez said he would seek the authorization of the bishops of the Dominican Republic and of the superiors of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, the congregation to which Father Tardif belonged, to begin the process of beatification.Fr. Tardif's LifeFather Emiliano Tardif was born on June 6, 1928, in the province of Quebec, Canada. He made his religious profession as a member of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart on September 8, 1949, and he was ordained a priest on June 24, 1955. After his ordination he was sent to the Dominican Republic, where he became one of the founders of the Missionary Seminary of San Jose de Las Matas. He was superior of his order from 1966 to 1973. In July of 1973 he contracted tuberculosis and was sent to Canada. During the time of his illness he received the gift of healing and the calling to preach the Gospel by proclaiming Christ and His mercy in a special way for the sick and for sinners. He returned to Santo Domingo to dedicate himself to the preaching of retreats and to evangelization. In 1985 he received permission to give retreats full-time and throughout the world.In 1982 he founded the Community of the Servants of the Living Christ. Maria Sangiovanny , Evariste Guzman et father EmilienTardif . the first members
He died in 1999 while giving a retreat in Argentina. |