Père Émilien Tardif
Padre Emiliano Tardif
Our Lady Of Medjugorje![]() Prophecies of Medjugorjehttp://books.google.ca/books?id=0E_1BwX3ST0C&pg=RA1-PA276&lpg=RA1-PA276&dq=father+emilien+tardif&source=bl&ots=oWHbaO_7Da&sig=eTJsjUkiYE43jKzcKyhd3hZasTg&hl=fr&ei=S2M9S6GSLInglAet-r2dBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CCsQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=father%20emilien%20tardif&f=trueMessages From 1983August 23, 1983Concerning Canadian priest, Father Emilien Tardif: "Have him announce my messages to the whole world. Let Jesus, only Jesus, be at the center of his efforts."August 25, 1983Concerning the arrest and expulsion of Father Tardif, Father Raucourt, and Dr. Phillippe Madre by the Yugoslavian authorities: "Do not worry for them. Everything is in God's plan."http://www.cfpw.com/msg83.htm |
Programmation: Patrick Allaire, ptre
Cartes de souhaits